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Does social media make us more unsocial in real life?

It's easy to notice our obsession with technology. Infinite knowledge and entertainment is at our fingertips, who can resist? Technology has allowed people to "connect" in a non-traditional way. Through the internet. With social media the world just got a whole lot smaller! We can talk to people across the world, may they be relatives or friends. With the use of online therapy websites, we can anonymously seek help or make friends. With Facebook, we can reconnect with old friends without actually going back to your home town. However, there are many people out there who believe the younger generation is getting too attached to their phones.

There are plenty of videos and articles that show millennials who are too glued to their phones. For example; Micheal Gonchar, a writer for New York Times, wrote about a video he saw on YouTube called "I Forgot My Phone". In this two minute video, Charlene DeGuzman is going to different social events like a birthday party, hanging out with her friends, or just being with her boyfriend, and they are all consistently on their phone. The main objective of this video was to make people aware of the real life moments they are missing, and I defiantly see her point. There are some people who are not communicating enough in real life, but I believe the phone addiction has gotten better since this video was published in the year 2013.

I believe people have become more aware of their surroundings and have understood that they need to be more present in real life. For example, if you go to a cafeteria or a park, you will see people who are off their phones and talking to their friends. The article and the video made it seem like everyone is obsessed with their phones, but that is simply not true. Now Mr. Gonchar does point out that if someone is sitting alone in a public place, they are usually on their phone and not communicating with anyone. But what do you think they're doing on their phone? They might be checking social media, or texting their family or friends, or simply waiting for their friend to come join them. In simpler words, they are communicating. It's very easy to judge a book by it's cover; it's easy to assume that if someone is sitting alone and is on their phone, they are not social. Making an assumption without knowing the full story is very narrow minded.


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