America is all too familiar with school shootings. So many shootings aren't even covered by the media because Trump's tweets are way more important. It's always the same routine; after a shooting, the White House will offer their "thoughts and prayers", and say it's too early to talk about gun laws. Then, after a few weeks our representatives will try to start a conversation about gun laws, but since there are too many disagreements the conversation is brought to an end until the next shooting. Then the cycle starts over again. But this time, there is something different. The Parkland school shooting survivors are not satisfied with the White House's "thoughts and prayers", and are demanding change!
I am deeply saddened by the school shooting in Florida and disappointed in our representatives for saying there was nothing they can do to prevent this. Ok--let's break down that argument, shall we? The claim that nothing could have been done is said after every shooting! How is it that our lawmakers are not confident in their own laws? I didn't hear any arguments like this being made when they were discussing women's reproductive rights! Of course, these shootings could have been prevented, all they need to do is come up with some sensible gun laws! I can't believe the government has driven grieving students to take action instead of doing something themselves! Their "thoughts and prayers" are just empty words now--it's just a phrase used to get out of talking about gun laws.
Right after the shooting, the students organized a town hall where Marco Rubio and NRA Spokeswoman Dana Loesch made some important comments that I want to look into. Basically--it's not a gun issue according to them. It's a mental illness issue. And because it's a mental illness issue, we should leave guns out of it. And that's where I disagree. Why can't it be a gun issue and a mental illness issue? Is our country not cable of dealing with both issues at once? If we don't do something now, shootings like this will keep happening! And I don't wanna hear the "a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun" argument because no that's not how it works. The police are supposed to be the good guys right? Well, it turns out that the police did not go into the building for four minutes while people were being shot! There was one policeman literally hiding behind a column to keep himself safe! Everyone has something to lose, you really think they're gonna forget all that and sacrifice themselves? This is also why teachers can't have guns. Not only are teachers underpaid as it is, but it's not our job to shoot someone! It's our job to teach! And say that somehow, you got every teacher in America to agree to carry a gun. How is the government going to provide those guns? They can't even provide us basic supplies like pencils and paper!
And speaking of guns, let's talk about what Trump said. "I would run in there without a weapon." Really? Him? The guy who goes to sleep with a cheeseburger? Him? The guy who didn't fight in Vietnam because of his "leg problems"? Him? The guy who flinched when there was an ominous sound at one of his rallies and hid behind his bodyguards? Him? I'm pretty sure the man has never run in his life. And out of all the things he could have said, that was probably the worst thing.
The point is, we need to get the NRA out of the White House and come up with some common sense gun laws. This should not be normal! This IS a gun problem, and we need to fix it NOW!
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